Having trouble with the game? Keep dying in episode 7? That's what this page is for!
In order to proceed past episode 7 you need decent friendship (hidden stat), thirty or more affection with Alex (blue heart level), and eight affection points with Liam (grey heart level)
EPISODE 1-7 Walkthrough
You do not need to strictly adhere to the answers in this guide. It is possible to advance by picking different options, And it is encouraged to try out every choice available in order to view all scenes and collect all available CGs! However, these answers will maximize the amount of friendship points as well as the amount of affection you can gain with Alex and Liam. Some characters have higher FP requirements than others. It’s recommended to choose options early on to maximize FP when pursuing them.
Episode 1:
Ask him directly
Be cautious OR Go all out (+Guts and +AP with Opal)
Episode 2:
I should tell them. (+AP with Sophie and Ethan, +FP) OR I have to keep it a secret!! (+AP with Diana, -FP)
Episode 3:
[Choosing the same as Sophie or Ethan will raise their respective AP]
Comfort the snobby girl
I wouldn't like that.
Episode 4:
Apologize to Ethan
Defend Clover
Hug anyone you want*
It's fine, but...
* Its recommended to hug whoever you’re most interested in pursuing, however, each character gains a different amount of AP and FP from this choice.
Hugging Clover: +2 AP, -1 FP. Hug Zacharie: +10 AP +5FP. Hug Ethan or Sophie +5 AP (Hugging Ethan if you were cruel to him earlier in the day: a whopping -10FP and -5AP)
Episode 5:
Accept the ice cream date* (This is required in order to unlock the ability to hang out with Liam and Alex in episode 9)
Tag along with Alex
*If you’re interested in spending time with a different character that day, then it’s recommended that you don’t accept so that you won’t be penalized for changing your mind later.
Episode 6:
Ask Alex how Liam got his powers
Follow whoever you want (+AP with Diana OR Amber)
Don't worry... (+AP with Sophie and Ethan, and +FP) or We have to do something [+AP with Diana and Amber]
Episode 7:
What about Liam? (+AP with Alex and Liam, -AP with Sophie)
What do you think, Diana?* (+AP with Diana.)
Stay at Liam's condo
Bring up the Miracle Link
*If Val’s relationship with Liam and Alex is high enough and she has high FP, she will always go to confront Liam regardless of your input. If she doesn’t have enough friendship and doesn’t go, Alex will lose AP.
When Liam's battle music plays during the Nightmare fight, it means you've succeeded and the game will progress toward episode 8
Post Episode 7 you're free to interact with the characters as you please, but be mindful, as high friendship is needed to get onto character routes!
Liam also begins collecting affection points at a much quicker rate from this point on!