Chandra Route Walkthrough
Having trouble with the game? Keep dying in episode 7? Check the common route walkthrough for more tips!
In order to proceed past episode 7 you need decent friendship (hidden stat), thirty or more affection with Alex (blue heart level), and eight affection points with Liam (grey heart level)
You do not need to strictly adhere to the answers in this guide and it is possible to advance by picking different options, however these answers will maximize the amount of friendship points as well as the amount of affection you can gain with Chandra and the other seniors.
Spoiler-free Hints
Chandra is a total loner and doesn’t trust others. She will not interact with Val or the rest of the team on her own, Val needs to be actively pursuing her to win her over
I have an idea! Maybe if you give her a special present for Christmas, she’ll realize that Val is serious about being her friend!
They may not talk any more, but Alex and Liam used to be friends with her. Being on good terms with the seniors is key to unlocking her route.
Valerie needs to be good friends with everyone on the team, try not to be too mean to your friends.
In order to enter her route you need to have 25AP (Purple Heart level or higher), 5 Guts, and a whopping 90 friendship points (the latter of which are both hidden stats)
Chandra also requires at least 40AP with both of the other seniors (Green Hearts if she is at Blue, Yellow Heart if she is at purple)
When given the opportunity, you must give her the necklace as a present in episode 13. If Val never hung out with her in episode 9, she will need to ask the boys for help delivering the present.
*These choices gain little to no affection with Chandra but will gain FP and other essential hidden stats, or avoid a loss in friendship.
View the general common route walkthrough in order to maximize your stats in episodes 1-7
Episode 8
Maybe you're right*
Hold on…*
I don't know the first thing about being a leader! (+AP with Alex) OR Leave it to me! (+FP)
Episode 9:
If you don’t hang out with Chandra on this day, you will have to have high AP with Liam and Alex and High FP to hang out with her in e13. Check Liam/Alex’s guides for their version of e9
Maybe just go out with Diana and see what happens.
Well, everyone could use a helping hand!
Ask her if she could fix something.
Help without saying anything.
Episode 10:
Try to explain it. (+AP with Liam and Alex)
Maybe he threatened him (+AP Liam) OR Must be one of the great mysteries of the world. (+AP Alex)
Chase after him!*
Episode 11:
Stop talking about her like that!
Liam isn't all that bad! (+AP with Liam)
Team up with Zacharie and Alex! OR Clover and Liam! (Depending on which senior could use an AP boost. Clover and Liam is recommended.)
Episode 12:
What about Chandra?
If you switched lives with anyone, who would it be?*
This is too embarrassing...
They're very cute.
They're not very tall
Picking Chandra as a crush is not required to enter her route.
Episode 13:
If you didn’t hang out with Chandra in E13 Val will need to ask one of the seniors for help delivering her present. Alex requires Yellow Hearts, Green Hearts with Liam, and 80 FP before he will help. Liam requires Yellow Hearts, Grey Hearts with Chandra, and 80 FP before he will help. Ask whichever senior could use a AP boost.
You could spend Christmas with my family!
Yeah, but...
H-hey, Diana, what do you think? (Everyone can change! gives an +FP boost if needed)
What kind of games?
“It's nothing.” OR “Aren't you scared?”
What the hell are you trying to pull? (Both options deduct FP and make Chandra take a large AP hit. This will give Val a small amount of Guts.)
There's one more thing... [Required to give her the necklace]
Episode 14:
Mama is right!*
I don’t know
At this point if you have gotten all the requirements, you will be able to unlock Chandra in episode 14.