Achievement Guide
Having trouble unlocking specific trophies? Here is a guide to unlocking each one in the common route of the game.
This guide contains spoilers for certain plot points in the game as well as icon artwork. If you’re okay with spoilers but do not want to see the artwork you can view an image-less guide here.
Congrats, Grad!
View the tutorial
Diamond Happy
Valerie transforms for the first time
Prism Spiral
Sophie joins the team
Promise Carat
Clover joins the team
Smiling Suncatcher
Zacharie joins the team
Cosmic Stranger
Amber joins the team
Passion Flower
Alex joins the team
Blooming ♥ Blooming
Liam joins the team
Χρόνια Πολλά!
Complete Episode 2
You deserve that belly ache
Choose not to comfort Clover in episode 3
Refuse to apologize for ditching Ethan in episode 3
Yay! Killing!
Let Clover handle the bullies on her own in episode 4
Hugging Fiend
Hug everyone in episode 4
Presidential Alert
Witness Diana and Amber fighting
Raven Night
Ethan becomes a Nightmare
Giving up
Fail to save Ethan
Lost Hope
Blame yourself for letting Ethan get hurt
Huh, why didn't I think of that?
Refuse to side with anyone in episode 8
Rainbow Jewel
The team transforms together for the first time
Ask Alex to lead with Valerie
But you promised!
Accept Alex’s ice cream offer and then hang out with someone else
It really isn't like that!!
Ask Alex to help Val bring in the boxes in episode 9
Privileged Acquaintances
Ask Liam to help Val with the boxes in episode 9 and reach Blue Heart level before he meets her mother.
He's not stupid, Val
Choose "Do you need it explained again?" when Alex looks bothered by the ice cream discussion
Crisis Averted
Ask Amber to help with the boxes, skipping the awkward conversation later in the episode
That look in their eyes
Show Clover some empathetic enthusiasm in episode 9
Grow a spine, Val, this is America.
Refuse to stand up to Clover in episode 9.
Cheap Shot
Knock Clover down a peg in episode 9
Call Amber at the museum and ask her about dinosaurs in episode 9
What a relief!
Visit the jewel exhibit at the museum in episode 9 and learn about gemstone coloration.
Miss Sophia, I've misjudged you!
Complete Sophie/Ethan e9 but do not call Amber.
Boys are stupid
Catch Liam and Alex fighting at the Halloween Party while looking for snacks
Gamer Girl
Successfully complete all Halloween minigames.
What did you expect?
Refuse to help Clover cook in episode 9 and snoop in Liam's phone
Midnight Primrose
Form change with Liam and Clover (45 Affection Points/Yellow Hearts with both and 65 Friend Points required)
Tropical Phoenix
Form change with Zacharie and Alex (45 Affection Points/Yellow Hearts with both and 65 Friend Points required)
Astro Prism
(Currently Unavailable)
Pajama Party
Play through Zacharie's birthday in episode 12.
I wish I could forget that
Tell Zacharie that you have a crush on Amber
You're just going to leave things like this?
Refuse to confess to Zacharie
You wouldn't understand.
Complete episode 12
Right in front of my hockey?
(Currently unavailable)
Is this what you wanted?
(Currently Unavailable)
Why are you here?
Visiting Alex in e13 when Val has a crush on someone else.
Mercy Kill
Visiting Alex in e13 while having low affection with him.
You discussed him
Ask Alex if he is going to give Jason a Christmas present (Must hang out with Alex in either e10 or e11)
Someone Special
Hang out with Alex in e13 while having a crush on him and complete the episode with max affection.
How To Be A Heartbreaker
Visit Liam in e13 while having a crush on Alex. (Liam must be at pink hearts or higher)
Indecent Behavior
Hang out with Liam in e13 while having a crush on him and complete the episode with max affection.
This isn't that kind of game
Get Liam and Alex to pink hearts at the same time.
God forbid women have hobbies
See the bookstore scene with Sophie and Ethan in e9, and ask Chandra what games she is playing in e13
Eternally Flickering Flame
Meet Luna for the first time.
Fail to be saved in episode 14
(Currently Unavailable)
Stay with me
(Currently Unavailable)
I'm not alone
(Currently Unavailable)
My Responsibility
(Currently Unavailable)
Clinging to humanity
Be rescued by Alex at the end of e14. (Requires max affection, yellow hearts with Liam, and 70 FP)
Worth living for
Be rescued by Liam at the end of e14. (Requires max affection, yellow hearts with Alex, and 70 FP)
(Currently Unavailable)
(Currently Unavailable)
The Wasteland's Miracle
Visited by Chandra in the hospital at the end of e14. (Requires blue heart with Chandra, 45AP with Liam and Alex, and to have given her a present in e13)