Liam Route Walkthrough
Having trouble with the game? Keep dying in episode 7? Check the common route walkthrough for more tips!
In order to proceed past episode 7 you need decent friendship (hidden stat), thirty or more affection with Alex (blue heart level), and eight affection points with Liam (grey heart level)
You do not need to strictly adhere to the answers in this guide and it is possible to advance by picking different options, however these answers will maximize the amount of friendship points as well as the amount of affection you can gain with Alex and Liam.
Spoiler-free Hints
Liam can be fiercely loyal and stubborn, he likes a girl who can match his energy. Being tenacious and strong willed with your responses is a good way to get on his good side, Don't give up on him no matter what!
Liam responds better to flattery if he already likes you. Keep his affection high to get an extra boost in AP.
Liam and Alex are best friends, you need a good relationship with both of them in order to enter a relationship with him.
Liam and Clover have a special CG together. Unlock it by becoming good friends with both of them.
Valerie needs to be good friends with everyone on the team, try not to be too mean to your friends.
Liam does not casually date, in his eyes such things are reserved for people who are truly in love with each other. If Valerie has not expressed that she has serious feelings for him, he will not give her a chance.
Once in a relationship with him it should be smooth sailing but the previous tips still apply! Don't lose the tenacity and stubbornness that has gotten you this far and you should be golden!
In order to enter his route you need to become best friends with Alex (Yellow Heart level or higher), Max Affection with Liam (Rainbow Heart), 70 friendship points
To unlock the special form change CG in episode 11 you have to have 45 Affection (Green Heart, but to be safe aim for Yellow!) with both Liam and Clover as well as 65 Friend points. Be nice to Clover!
When Zacharie asks Valerie who she has a crush on, you must pick Liam to unlock his route.
*These choices gain little to no affection with Liam, but will gain friendship points.
** These choices are ones which gain affection with Alex, and at the same time don't cause you to miss out on any points with Liam.
View the general common route walkthrough in order to maximize his affection in episodes 1-7
Episode 8
Maybe you're right*
Accuracy is most important! (+AP with Liam, -AP with Sophie)
I don't know the first thing about being a leader!**
Episode 9:
Get ice cream with Alex and Liam.
Ask for help from Liam.
Yo, Alex, what’s up?
Episode 10:
(If you have high enough affection, you will get a dialogue variation later in the episode.)
Try to explain it.
Maybe he threatened him.
Check out the costume contest. (Gains AP with Clover) OR I’m Hungry…
IF you chose “I’m hungry”:
You don't have to do this stuff if you don't want to (Gains extremely valuable AP with Liam, Loses AP with Alex)
Liam will gain additional affection if he is closer with Val in this instance, but Alex will lose more affection if he is closer with her.
Episode 11:
Stop talking about her like that!* (If you have high affection with Liam you get additional dialogue)
Liam isn't all that bad! (+AP with Liam, -AP with Sophie)
Team up with Clover and Liam!
Defend the blond idiot's honor
That wasn't his fault
The next two options gain no affection with Liam and will lose you FP, however you do get additional scenes for him, so it may be worth it if you would like to get to know him better:
No. you're on your own (-5 AP with Clover. Risky if you are at lower than Green with her.)
Peeking is very good actually
Help Liam! (If Clover is low on AP choose her so you don't miss out on the CG)
Episode 12:
The following responses are REQUIRED to enter his route
This is too embarassing...
They're pretty cool
They're very tall
Episode 13:
I can help!
So what are you growing?
At this point if you have gotten all the requirements, you will be able to choose Liam in Episode 14, locking you in to his route