Ethan Matthews: Voiced by Leo Jameson
Audio Block
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Character Profile and Story

Age: 17
Birthday: June 28 (Cancer)
Race/Ethnicity:  Jewish, Mixed race
Sexuality: Bi
Heart Jewel: White Pearl

Likes: Games, Anime, Music, Dogs, Drawing, BL/Yaoi
Dislikes: Reptiles, Amphibians, Ghosts, plain foods

Ethan is one of Valerie's closest friends. He is a former member of the now defunct Anime club, and now he spends his time helping out his neighbor Sophie with her student council responsibilities. He's laid-back, friendly, and can be a bit snarky at times, but he is an extremely loyal and supportive friend. He's known Sophie since he was a baby, and the two of them are like brother and sister. 

He quickly discovers Val's secret identity and does his best to support the team in any way he can. He may not have powers, but that doesn’t make him any less valuable of a team mate!
