Character Profile and Story
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: June 9 (Gemini)
Race/Ethnicity: Indian-American
Sexuality: Pan
Likes: Tiramisu, messing with Gadgets, horror films, romance novels, werewolves
Dislikes: Bats, 80's teen flicks, being the center of attention, loud people and places, gym class
Chandra is a quiet, introverted girl who would prefer to blend into the background. Unfortunately for her, she tends to catch attention where ever she goes. She is quite pessimistic and has trouble trusting others. She lacks confidence and comes across as a very gloomy, depressing person to be around. Because of this, she doesn't have many friends, but if you ask her she prefers it that way!
She's been missing from school for some time and has returned somehow even more grouchy than before! Rumor says her absence was due to getting involved in some criminal activity, but those are just rumors of course.