Amber: Voiced by Sandra Espinoza

Character Profile

Age: Early 20s in human years
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: N/A
Race/Ethnicity: Fairy
Sexuality: Aro-Ace
Heart Jewel: Amber
Element: Electricity

Likes: Human culture, dogs, Alex, sports, arguing with Liam, MEAT
Dislikes: Cats, baths, Diana, loud noises

The Shining Crystal of Courage and Protection


Amber is a fairy from Glimmer. “Energetic” doesn’t even begin to describe Amber, she rushes full speed and puts her all into everything she does. Amber can be pretty blunt, sloppy, and kind of gross, But some might say that’s part of her charm! She‘s pretty forgetful, and often nicknames people based on memorable traits. 

She strongly dislikes Princess Rosalia and holds a grudge against Diana viewing her as a traitor. Despite their disdain for each other the two of them seem to be childhood friends.

As a former Royal Knight, Amber is extremely passionate about her duties as a Crystal Warrior, and is very honest and brave. She transforms into the warrior of Courage and Protection, Amber Heart. Her powers are over electricity.